The Complete Car Maintenance Guide for First-Time Car Owners

Sun and window covers for cars? Check! Top of the line front and rear camera with night vision? Check! You have so many options when it comes to customizing the look and functionality of your new car. Now comes the question, how do you maintain it? This article is your easy and complete guide to maintaining your car.
- Understand the owner’s manual from top to bottom. We know that most people would never bother reading a manual unless necessary. As a first-time car owner, it is absolutely necessary. A manual will show you how the different features of your vehicle work, including some functions that you probably didn’t initially know. Car manuals also instruct you on the kind of oil or fluid to use and indicate the maintenance schedule you should follow. Even pre-loved vehicles still have manuals that you can refer to, or if not, you can easily search online using the make and model of your car.
- Remember the meaning of two. In car language, two means tire, water, and oil. Before you drive your car out of your garage, always check these three things as part of your routine. It’s especially important to do this before any long trip. Check the tire pressure, the water level, and the oil level—doing all these significantly reduces the chances of your car breaking down on the side of the road.
- Schedule car checkups and stick to it. Have you read the owner’s manual? Car manuals prescribe a schedule for oil changes and other important car services like brake fluid replacement, tire pressure checks, and air-conditioning filter changes, among other routine engine checks. While you don’t have to do everything all at once, you definitely need to schedule maintenance checks periodically. This ensures that your vehicle operates at an optimum, and you will be able to avoid unexplainable issues or car damage while you’re on your way to a formal event.
- Join a car owners club. Aside from being kindred souls, car clubs also help you immediately find services in case your car breaks down, gets a flat, or needs to be towed to a car mechanic. Some clubs also have specific discounts for insurance, car maintenance, fuel stations, and others. You don’t have to be alone in your journey as a car owner.
Our best advice for car owners, both new and experienced, is to trust your gut. Common sense goes a long way in helping extend the life of your car. As the driver or owner, it’s your job to be alert and on the lookout for any weird noise or smell when you are driving your car. You should also be aware of any fluid leaks or diminished performance in terms of acceleration, steering, and braking.